Epstein Barr virus treatment during menopause needs to focus on nurturing the adrenal glands, cleansing the liver and boosting immunity.
Epstein Barr virus treatment and a natural symptom-free menopause can be achieved through the correct diet, supplements, herbs, detoxification and simple lifestyle improvements. Let’s have a look at these strategies in more detail:
(a) Nutrients for Epstein Barr virus treatment during menopause
Several nutrients that are essential to supporting you through menopause include:
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).
B6 may improve the response of your tissues to estrogen. It is an important anti-stress vitamin and needed for hormone synthesis, energy production and neurotransmitter function. It also helps to relieve bloating and fluid retention. B6 is water soluble and safe at high dosages. A dosage of 50 to 100 mg a day is usually recommended for menopause.
- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid).
B5 is again an important vitamin for stress and energy production, both during Epstein Barr virus treatment and menopause.
PABA may exert a sparing effect on some fat soluble hormones including estrogen and cortisone.
- Vitamin C and bioflavanoids.
Vitamin C is needed to support the adrenal glands and your stress response. Combined with the bioflavanoids it can help reduce hot flushes. Also essential for good immunity.
- Vitamin E
Vitamin E has also been found to help hot flushes. Start with an initial dose of 200 mg a day and adjust accordingly (avoid high doses of vitamin E if you have problems with your blood pressure).
- Magnesium
Magnesium is needed by the ovaries for them to respond to the pituitary hormones, luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating hormone (their failure to respond is what happens in menopause). Another great nutrient for stress during Epstein Barr virus treatment . It can be taken at 400-800 mg a day.
- Essential fatty acids.
These are used for the building of cell walls and hormone receptors. A combination of cold pressed fish oils and evening primrose oil is recommended at 2000 mg to 4000 mg a day.
(b) Herbs for Epstein Barr virus treatment during menopause
Herbs like black cohosh, chaste berry and wild yam are rich in hormone-like substances to support you through menopause. Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), also known as squaw vine, is a North American remedy that has been used for centuries to relieve female complaints. It has an oestrogenic action (boosts estrogen levels). Chaste berry (Vitex agnus-castus) has also been used for a long time and dates back to ancient Greece and medieval Europe. Research indicates it may have a progesterogenic effect i.e. it boosts progesterone.
Another herb Tribulus terrestris (also known as caltrops or puncture vine), has been shown in studies to give excellent remission of menopausal symptoms including hot flushes, depression, insomnia and tenseness. It acts by increasing follicle stimulating hormone and oestradiol, with a minor effect on testosterone (which can help to improve libido and sex drive).
(c) Phytoestrogens or plant estrogen for Epstein Barr virus treatment during menopause
Some plants are naturally rich in compounds that show oestrogenic activity. These compounds may also inhibit xenoestrogens (toxic chemicals that mimic estrogen) from binding to estrogen receptor sites.
Soy beans and their by products like soy milk, tofu, miso and tempeh are probably the best known example of foods high in phytoestrogens. The plant compounds in soy are converted by intestinal bacteria to hormone like substances with oestrogenic activity. In Japan where soy beans are consumed regularly, menopausal distress is rare. Other foods high in phytoestrogens include alfalfa, ginseng, celery, fennel, anise, licorice, rhubarb, linseeds and sage.
(d) Diet for Epstein Barr virus treatment during menopause
Some recommendations to follow if you want to relieve menopause and follow an effective Epstein Barr virus treatment plan include:
- Reduce your intake of sugar and junk foods. These may cause water retention and impede mineral uptake. Sugar is not advisable during Epstein Barr virus treatment as it suppresses immunity and can prolong your recovery.
- Reduce excess salt which can encourage fluid retention.
- Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, smoking, tea and coffee which can encourage hot flushes. Caffeine has been shown to worsen nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations and restlessness.
- Limit your red meat to less than a couple of times each week. It seems that vegetarians have an easier time with menopause, perhaps due to their higher intake of soy.
- Limit fats to about a third of your calorie intake.
- Drink 8 glasses or more of pure water a day. This is also essential for cleansing the liver during Epstein Barr virus treatment.
- Avoid antibiotics. By killing off friendly bowel flora they may reduce the natural cycling of estrogen in the body. Antibiotics should not be prescribed for Epstein Barr virus treatment. They are only effective against bacteria, not viruses.
- Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to combat constipation. Severe constipation is associated with a low level of estrogen and hormonal irregularities. The natural enzymes and antioxidants in raw fruit and vegetables are excellent for Epstein Barr virus treatment.
(e) Exercise for Epstein Barr virus treatment during menopause
Exercise should be built up slowly to 3 to 5 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes at a time. To increase bone strength it should be weight bearing like walking or aerobics.
(f) Relaxation for Epstein Barr virus treatment during menopause
Relaxation if done regularly can reduce hot flushes and mood swings dramatically. Remember that the adrenal glands can produce small amounts of estrogen during and after menopause. When the adrenals are exhausted from stress, poor diet or low blood sugar this back up system will fail and menopausal symptoms will occur. Yoga, massage, visualization or tai chi are all good choices. They should be practiced for at least 10 to 15 minutes a day.
Fortunately there is a lot you can do to minimize problems with menopause whilst undergoing Epstein Barr virus treatment. These techniques are discussed in more detail in the book “Nature’s Amazing Mononucleosis Cures” by qualified naturopath Elizabeth Noble.